dotPhoto Blog
- The dotphoto Backup Book 11/27/2023
A better way to print and save thousands of photos Cover and interior 3×4 grid (720 photos) Interior with 2×3 grid (360 photos) Order now or learn more - Back-Printing on Small Prints at dotphoto 11/27/2023
This small feature was a big problem for a high-speed process that outputs millions of prints. We’ve tested thoroughly, and back-printing works again as advertised. How Back-Printing Works - How to make a dotphoto mug with 14 photos and a logo 11/27/2023
- dotphoto cutouts make timeless gifts 11/27/2023
Your photos are hand-cut and mounted on a sturdy acrylic background to create timeless gifts of your favorite memories. How can I order a photo cutout? Order before Dec 6 for best priceIncludes free Club shipping. 4×6, 5×7 and 8×10 are only $27.99, $31.99 and $37.99. Each is hand-cut: after Dec 6, 2023 add a rush charge … Continue reading "dotphoto cutouts make timeless gifts" - Take Your Mobile Photos to the Next Level with Adobe Express & dotphoto 9/11/2023
Photo via Pexels Whether you’re an amateur photographer looking to build a portfolio or a professional who wants to spread the word about your work, it can be challenging to find the right editing software. Professional-grade tools are often expensive, and it can take a lot of time to learn how to navigate them. Fortunately, … Continue reading "Take Your Mobile Photos to the Next Level with Adobe Express & dotphoto" - How can I use my phone like a telescope? 1/25/2023
Many camera phones take beautiful photos of the night sky. Here are moon shots taken with a Samsung S22 Ultra. No special lenses were used. These images were captured by zooming to 60X. At higher magnification, the main challenge is holding the camera steady. Fortunately, manufacturers provide a tool for that. Note the guide in … Continue reading "How can I use my phone like a telescope?" - Share the way you want 1/6/2023
What’s the best way to share your photos? dotphoto shares your way. And we don’t track your behavior or sell your data.dotphoto sharing is completely customizable with a sophisticated password management system. Share one photo, one album, a group of albums, or almost anything you can imagine through any service on the web. Share a photo, album or slideshowShare … Continue reading "Share the way you want" - New dotphoto Project Manager for for books, calendars, cards & more 12/31/2022
TECHNICAL NOTE:  Keep only one dotphoto browser window open at a time when using projects. More than one operating browser window can prevent projects from being added to the cart. dotphoto’s new AUTOFILL feature enables you to make books, calendars, cards and other photo products quickly. Now dotphoto’s NEW Project Manager enables you to copy a project, make small changes, … Continue reading "New dotphoto Project Manager for for books, calendars, cards & more" - Sell more on dotphoto 12/6/2022
Pros, newspapers, and other photo sellers can sell more with a few key ideas. Choose the large watermark when uploading your photos. (Netizens have become accustomed to copying photos with small watermarks.) How the PROOF watermark works on dotphoto Set passwords so that guests find their albums fast. Password levels can be confusing, but the … Continue reading "Sell more on dotphoto" - Make a dotphoto book on your phone 11/29/2022
No app required:  just tap the “hamburger” in the upper right and choose Shop Make cards, calendars, photo cutouts and even photobooks on your phone! Access photos in your dotphoto account or directly from your phone. To choose photos, tap the Photos button at the bottom of the screen. Autofill makes your book in moments!While choosing photos, tap … Continue reading "Make a dotphoto book on your phone" - dotphoto News 9/23/2022
dotphoto speeds up servers for 5GIf you noticed that dotphoto is faster, it’s because we upgraded our servers. dotphoto works great on 5G phones! Use 4×6/D (not 3×5) for Back-Printing DocumentationWe recommend that customers who use back-printing for documentation use 4×6, 4xD or 5×7 prints. We can no longer guarantee back-printing on 3.5 x 5 prints. … Continue reading "dotphoto News" - They’re back! Pumpkin spice photos! 9/23/2022
Can’t get enough of pumpkin spice? Smack these Scratch & Sniff stickers on your photos from Everything Smells. $2.99 gets 24 stickers that are 1.25″ wide. - Easy links to dotphoto 9/7/2022
We’ve made it easy to contact dotphoto, find help, and more! Just remember words like “contact”, “help” and “benefits”.Contact - How can I upload from my phone to dotphoto? 9/7/2022
Easy! Run on your phone â no app required. Tap the Upload button, and upload directly from your phone Upload from Android Phones Upload from Apple Phones - Free Shipping is like getting 40% off 9/5/2022
dotphoto’s competitors charge as much as 40% of the order for shipping! dotphoto Club members get free shipping on every order of $10 or more. dotphoto Club Benefits - How can I share an album without my guests seeing my other albums? 9/5/2022
Add a guest password to your account and set your album password to a different password. How to share a private album - How to take photos from videos 9/5/2022
Videos can be full of spontaneous, exciting photos. When hikers hopped the fence above this Yosemite waterfall, I took a video. “Either you guys should come back now,” I said, “or I’ll be selling this to the news.” Fortunately, they were OK. Here are photos I snapped from the video. It’s easier than ever to get … Continue reading "How to take photos from videos" - How close can I crop? 9/5/2022
Why is the top of a head that is right next to the border sometimes clipped? This FAQ explains how to perfectly crop a photo. How tightly can I crop a photo? - The Most Important Picture Ever Taken V2 9/5/2022
dotphoto’s video of “The Most Important Picture Ever Taken” about the Hubble Deep Field Image has been seen over 7 million times. Now the James Webb telescope has improved the resolution! Print your own 20″ x 20″ poster for only $12.49! Print 36 Megapixel James Webb Image as 20×20 Poster - Vacationing together? 9/5/2022
Collect photos from family and friends in one album with Guest Uploads Set up any album in your account to receive guest uploads, so that you and a group of friends can make a group photo album. As the owner of the album, you will decide which uploads get edited or deleted. Guest Upload Procedure - Share Free Downloads with Your Friends 9/5/2022
You can send a dotphoto link to friends that enables them to download a full album of photos from dotphoto. It’s easier than DropBox, and, at dotphoto, you can do more with your photos! How to share album downloads - How can I share dotphoto albums, slideshows or individual photos? 6/4/2022
dotphoto’s Share button provides instant links to albums, slideshows or individual photos. Tap the green Copy button, and then paste the links wherever you like to share: emails, blogs, Facebook, Tweets, Reddit, discussion boards, or wherever you like to share photos. How to share photos, album & slideshows - How can I share just one dotphoto album without showing my other albums? 6/4/2022
We get this question a lot. If your albums are not protected by a guest password, they are public and can be seen by anyone invited to your album or MyWebsite. The simple solution is: (1) Add a guest password to your albums in MyAccount and (2) Apply a different password to an album or group of albums that you want to share. … Continue reading "How can I share just one dotphoto album without showing my other albums?" - ChangeMyFace shows how we might look in 10 or 20 years 6/4/2022
Share a photo directly from dotphoto to ChangeMyFace to see how you might age. Lifestyle attributes will dramatically affect aging. For instance, to produce the 20-year result on the far right, we chose a junk food diet, heavy smoking, low sleep, steady drug and alcohol use, high stress, high sun exposure, and heavy pollution. She’s had a … Continue reading "ChangeMyFace shows how we might look in 10 or 20 years" - The Best Little Frame Shop in New Jersey â and probably anywhere 4/11/2022
“Where did you get that beautiful frame?” A visitor had spotted the framed print waiting for delivery. “It picks up the colors in the painting.” “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” I agreed. “The best part is that dotphoto allows you to see the finished frame even before you order it. If you’ve ever tried to frame something, they show you … Continue reading "The Best Little Frame Shop in New Jersey â and probably anywhere" - Other websites we like: Stephen Wilkes Day to Night Photos 3/31/2022
Stephen Wilkes creates âDay to Nightâ photographs by planting himself in one spot for 24 hours and snapping as many as 1,500 photographs of the same frame. When heâs done, he chooses the photos that capture the greatest hits of the 24-hour period, and lays them over one another to create one grand image. The result … Continue reading "Other websites we like: Stephen Wilkes Day to Night Photos" - Add Information to the Front of a Photo 3/30/2022
My grandparents displayed framed photos of people in black tie dinners on a guest room wall. I will never know who the people were and what they were celebrating. The significance of many photos â perhaps most â is lost to history because most photos are unmarked. dotphoto enables you to add titles and names to the front of any … Continue reading "Add Information to the Front of a Photo" - Back-Printing is Back! 3/30/2022
dotphoto’s small-print lab has installed new back-printing equipment that will again reliably print on the back of small photos including 4×6, 4xD, and 5×7. The default back-print is the photo file name or caption and the photo capture date or upload date. The back-print field is 40 characters long. You can set your default back-printing in … Continue reading "Back-Printing is Back!" - dotphoto wins Best Photography Mobile Website for 2021 3/7/2022
dotphoto wins Best Photography Mobile Website for 2021dotphoto’s responsive mobile display, convenient command structure, and comprehensive upload makes dotphoto work as well on mobile as on a desktop. No need to install and update apps! Add dotphoto to your phone’s home screen iPhones: add dotphoto to your iPhone home screen Android Phones: add dotphoto to your Android home screen Why … Continue reading "dotphoto wins Best Photography Mobile Website for 2021" - How to sell photos at dotphoto 3/2/2022
Every month, photographers, newspapers, clubs, schools, museums, and artists earn thousands of dollars by selling their photos on dotphoto. Turn your uploads into money.dotphoto fulfills your orders, handles customer service, and sends you money! Here’s how: dotphoto frees up your time and handles customer service.dotphoto fulfills your orders — and also handles problems. If a shipper loses an order, we … Continue reading "How to sell photos at dotphoto" - Send a letter from dotphoto 10/30/2021
People often don’t respond to emails. Email addresses change, emails are ignored, or email systems shunt messages into an unmonitored box â even though you might be a good friend. At dotphoto, when we want to remind people that they have photos in an abandoned account, we sometimes send a photo letter. A dotphoto letter often reaches people … Continue reading "Send a letter from dotphoto" - Halloween Pet Costume Slideshow 10/25/2021
Some Halloween pet costumes are more elaborate than people’s costumes. This dotphoto slideshow has over 30 of the most inspired pet costumes. Halloween Pet Costume Slideshow How to share your own dotphoto slideshow - Colorizing Photos and Slideshows 10/21/2021
We collected and colorized some of the first photographed celebrities in history to create this dotphoto show. Among others, these include probably the first person born to be photographed, sixth president John Quincy Adams, a 16-year-old Emily Dickinson, a survivor of the Revolutionary War, Harriet Tubman, the Wright Brothers, and more. Learn more below on … Continue reading "Colorizing Photos and Slideshows" - The Comedy Edition 10/21/2021
When beloved comedian Norm Macdonald passed away, a video circulated of Norm explaining the evolution of photography in about a minute. As always, he was right on target. We’ve collected some other photography jokes, which we hope you’ll enjoy. Here’s to Norm, whose dry, laugh-out-loud humor we will dearly miss. Norm Macdonald on Photography PHOTOGRAPHY … Continue reading "The Comedy Edition" - Publishing your memoir 10/12/2021
Most of us want to be remembered by our loved ones, and we have interesting experiences and lessons to impart to the next generation. Many people publish their memoirs in retirement, but some of the best stories that were not recorded as they happened are lost to time. How best to pass along your experiences … Continue reading "Publishing your memoir" - Is photography art? 5/6/2021
Braxton Wilhelmsen has some interesting observations at Fstoppers such as “If you’d like your work to really come across as art, the concept should predate the shutter actuation.” If you imagine your goal, then every decision supports that goal. Wilhelmsen also cites a mastery of these photography fundamentals: “Shape, line, texture, perspective, value, color, negative space, focus.” … Continue reading "Is photography art?" - How to Make a Photo Book 5/6/2021
dotphoto photobooks make thoughtful gifts that will be cherished forever. Add multiple photos per page, wrap a single photo around the front and back cover, and add a title to the spine. Customize every aspect of your book. Economy shipping is free, and 20-page 8×10 photo books are only $29.99  Up to 60 pages per book. Step-by-Step Photobook Tutorial Shop for Photobooks - How to Add Text to Any Photo in dotphoto 5/6/2021
Select your photo by tapping the photo. Tap the pencil edit icon in the upper left. Tap the T icon in the editing menu. Choose your font, size, color and shape. Add and position your text. Tap the check button and choose File / Save. You will keep your original, and save another photo with text. Step-by-Step Procedure for Adding Text to Photos - NFTs Explained 5/6/2021
NFTs or “non-fungible tokens” are a popular new way of selling art or photos. NFTs are tracked on the Ethereum blockchain, and enable someone to buy and own the original copy. Oddly, you can buy the original, but the digital copies are the same quality. If you are a photographer, it is good to know … Continue reading "NFTs Explained" - How to send a fax with dotphoto 5/6/2021
When we started dotphoto in 1999, we didn’t imagine that faxes would be around in 2021, but a surprising number of offices â medical, legal, accounting and others â still require faxes. Fortunately, you don’t need a fax machine: you can use dotphoto’s share link to share an image to a free online faxing service. How to send a … Continue reading "How to send a fax with dotphoto" - What is the aspect ratio and why should I care? 5/6/2021
The aspect ratio is the longest side of your photo divided by the shortest side. If the aspect ratio of your image matches the aspect ratio of your print, then no cropping is required: you get the entire image on the entire print because the image shape projects directly onto the print shape. For instance, many cameras capture an aspect ratio … Continue reading "What is the aspect ratio and why should I care?" - How do you preserve your digital photos? 1/27/2021
How do we preserve our stuff in the digital world? Stefan Thomas forgot the password to his $220 million of Bitcoin. James Howells is offering his city $70 million to allow him to find his old Bitcoin hard drive in the dump. Experts estimates that 3.8 million Bitcoins are lost forever â about $122 billion at todayâs price. Even with fortunes at stake, we lose digital assets. … Continue reading "How do you preserve your digital photos?" - Sharing (and Printing) Full-Size Pictures on Facebook Made Easy 6/11/2020
Social networks connect us with friends and family in ways that weren’t imaginable in years past. We maintain that sense of community in our online world by sharing personal updates, events with our friends, and photos from our daily lives. Facebook acts as one of the central hubs where we share our pictures. However, there … Continue reading "Sharing (and Printing) Full-Size Pictures on Facebook Made Easy" - How to Make Your Home Dazzle in Quarantine 5/22/2020
Life is different now than it was a few short months ago. We live in a time of great upheaval where we want a semblance of control and normalcy to return to our lives. While the outside world swirls in uncertainty that we cannot control, having the ability to alter the way our homes look … Continue reading "How to Make Your Home Dazzle in Quarantine" - Preserving Memories During COVID-19 5/22/2020
The COVID-19 crisis has us separated from family members for extended periods, and shelter-in-place orders have made life hard on families that do not see each other as often. The Internet gave us the ability to share pictures with the people we love with a few simple mouse clicks. However, there is something about the … Continue reading "Preserving Memories During COVID-19" - Why Should I Have My Photos Printed? Part 2 5/14/2020
In our previous blog, we discussed some benefits of taking advantage of our professional photo printing services. These included preserving your original vision and having a tangible keepsake that will stand the test of time, various platform differentials, unforeseen file conversions, and other circumstances that may compromise the quality of your captured memory. Now, weâll … Continue reading "Why Should I Have My Photos Printed? Part 2" - Why Should I Have My Photos Printed? Part 1 5/14/2020
In todayâs Internet-driven, virtual world, we see photos shared everywhere on our ubiquitous digital devices. Viewing or sharing an image can be done with a click of a button. While these resources are an excellent way to store your photos and even back them up, there is practicality and a dose of charm present when … Continue reading "Why Should I Have My Photos Printed? Part 1" - 3 Online Safety Tips To Keep Your Data Secure 4/14/2020
With a new major hack occurring seemingly every day, itâs now more critical than ever before to stay vigilant online. Use these simple tips to keep your data more secure as you browse the internet, shop online, and choose the right online photo storage subscription. Use secure passwords. The best way to protect your banking, … Continue reading "3 Online Safety Tips To Keep Your Data Secure" - Picture Perfect Prom & Graduation Photos 3/6/2020
When thinking of capturing family memories on film, most people focus on the winter holidays filled with joy and time off from school and work. But families with babies, children, and teens often know that there are many other milestones and happenings that occur outside of the traditional holiday season. From first steps to first … Continue reading "Picture Perfect Prom & Graduation Photos" - Make The Most Out of dotphoto with Personalized Photo Magnets 1/31/2020
The kitchen is a hub of activity in any home, and the refrigerator door is perhaps one of the most looked-at surfaces in the whole house. With this in mind, why not take the opportunity offered by dotphoto to adorn it with whatever you desire! You can showcase fond memories, momentous occasions, organization tools, or … Continue reading "Make The Most Out of dotphoto with Personalized Photo Magnets" - How can I make a canvas triptych on dotphoto? 1/4/2020
A triptych is a three-panel piece of wall art that gives a sense of space and design to a room. Triptychs are often printed on canvas that stand out from the wall. Forests and outdoor scenes are attractive and fashionable on large walls. Let’s say that you want to take a wide photo and divide … Continue reading "How can I make a canvas triptych on dotphoto?" - Share Your Holiday Memories Digitally With dotphoto 12/18/2019
The best gift during the holiday season will be the memories that you make with your loved ones. Once youâve captured these moments, you will need a way of keeping them preserved for years to come. Storing them on your phone or camera will do you no good, as theyâll just get buried among all … Continue reading "Share Your Holiday Memories Digitally With dotphoto" - dotphoto Cyber Week Specials are Here! 12/2/2019
Use coupon code CYBER to get these amazing deals through Saturday, December 7 – plus Free Economy Shipping to Club members on all orders of $10 or more. See the dotphoto newsletter for Cyber Week Specials! - Creative Holiday Gift Ideas from dotphoto 11/15/2019
The holiday season is quickly approaching, which means the pandemonium of trying to find a gift is almost here. During this time of year, more memories are made than any other season, so there is an extra emphasis on preserving these magic moments. If you donât want to lose your snapshots, dotphoto has great gift … Continue reading "Creative Holiday Gift Ideas from dotphoto" - The difference between Metallic and Metal prints 11/2/2019
Metal Prints are printed on actual metal; Metallic Prints are printed on a special paper that has a metallic sheen, but are paper prints. Metallic prints provide extreme sharpness, brightness and color saturation with an intense black density. The proprietary laminate layers also increase the strength and tear resistance of the metallic print. dotPhoto‘s metallic prints display … Continue reading "The difference between Metallic and Metal prints" - NEW! Zero check charge for selling your photos 11/2/2019
As of October 2019, dotphoto charges no extra fee for printing and mailing monthly commission checks. Establishing your Tax ID – Only required for non-PayPal payments In the main menu on the left, tap on Sell. Click on Pay Me! Scroll down and enter your payment information and your company’s Tax ID or your personal social security number. The federal … Continue reading "NEW! Zero check charge for selling your photos" - Share Your Memories Online with Dotphoto 10/2/2019
A picture is worth a thousand words, and the memories can last a lifetime. If you want to cherish these moments with others, then you need a database to store all these pictures that can help you share these pictures as well. Dotphoto specializes in printing, sharing, and saving all of your memories of you … Continue reading "Share Your Memories Online with Dotphoto" - Got old film? Send it to the Rescued Film Project! 9/27/2019
While collecting old cameras at flea markets, Levi Bettwieser kept finding abandoned film. He decided to develop it, and eventually founded the Rescued Film Project. Most of us think that film expires, but Bettwieser has developed film as far back as 1930s. For instance, over 70 years ago, a World War II soldier filled 31 rolls of … Continue reading "Got old film? Send it to the Rescued Film Project!" - New Jewelry or Keepsake Box at dotphoto 9/27/2019
Lined with soft vanilla felt, the Jewelry & Keepsake Box is perfect for your earrings, watch, baby keepsakes and other valuables. Â The ceramic tile on top displays your cherished photo or fine art. Customize for women or men — or for special occasions like weddings, graduations, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and holidays. The Jewelry & … Continue reading "New Jewelry or Keepsake Box at dotphoto" - NEW! Pre-Build Photo Products For Sale 9/2/2019
Now you can pre-build photo products on dotphoto for special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays, for selling products with your company logo, or for a funny T-shirt idea. Make it easy for your friends and customers to purchase pre-built photo products with just one click. Great for Pro Photographers & Newspapers You can set the … Continue reading "NEW! Pre-Build Photo Products For Sale" - Take your own Custom Beach Towels to your next celebration! 7/14/2019
Enter promo code BEACHTOWEL to get $5 off on your beach towel plus free shipping. Only $19.99 for your custom printed 60″ x 35″ beach towel. - The dotphoto Custom Frame Shop 7/14/2019
The dotphoto Custom Frame Shop lets you try different frames, multiple colored mats, and different sizes before you buy. Even better: the dotphoto Frame Shop is not limited to standard sizes or print ratios. Square, narrow or oblong, the photo you see is the photo you get! Shop for Custom Frames Watch a video that explains how to … Continue reading "The dotphoto Custom Frame Shop" - Latest Photos from Space 7/14/2019
Astronaut Christina Koch’s hair floats above her head inside the U.S. Destiny laboratory aboard the International Space Station. This Atlantic photo essay also includes spectacular photos of earth from the ISS. See Views from Above: Eight Months in Orbit - Memorial Day 2019: Remembering Our Fallen 6/3/2019
Memorial Day will be different for me this year. I happened to be in Washington, D.C. on Friday, and saw a new memorial along the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Remembering Our Fallen was inspired by a 2010 newspaper story about a father whose grief was even greater four years after his son … Continue reading "Memorial Day 2019: Remembering Our Fallen" - Add comments to your dotphoto albums 6/3/2019
Facebook shrinks your photos, but it does one thing extremely well: Facebook makes it easy to get feedback from your friends. You can Like and Reply to comments, and it’s fun to get feedback on photos. It feels like appreciation. That’s why dotphoto has added Facebook’s comment capability to your dotphoto albums. You can comment only to your dotphoto … Continue reading "Add comments to your dotphoto albums" - Mother’s Day is May 12! 5/2/2019
Our most popular Mother’s Day gift continues to be our mugs — large, small, black, white and MAGIC MUGS that reveal their photos only when filled with hot liquid, but dotphoto offers many other beautiful ways to remember Mom. Shop for Mugs (even Magic Mugs) - Your phone is a magnifying glass 5/2/2019
Your camera phone now has such high resolution that it makes a handy magnifying glass. For instance, you can read the tiny branding marks on small parts like this hearing aid if you take a photo and zoom in on your camera phone. dotphoto’s Edittools can also make a permanent image for reference or printing. Images … Continue reading "Your phone is a magnifying glass" - Remembering Notre Dame Cathedral 4/20/2019
Two years ago, my wife and I were in Notre Dame Cathedral on Good Friday. We were exploring the somber chapels deep in the cathedral when a commotion stirred nearby, and a line of young men in robes emerged from a dark hallway. We joined a small crowd that followed the celebrants to the front … Continue reading "Remembering Notre Dame Cathedral" - Where are my Android photos? 4/20/2019
Where are my Android photos? My apologies to the nice dotphoto customer who called to ask about uploading Android photos. I suggested that she watch our video about uploading, which is usually very helpful; it only occurred to me later that she could not find her photos in her phone. Android devices can keep photos in many … Continue reading "Where are my Android photos?" - Pro photographers: add your logo to dotphoto 4/9/2019
Your guests will see your logo when they login Professional photographers, newspapers and others who sell photos on dotphoto can now add their logo to dotphoto. Your logo will appear to guests when they sign in as a guest or use a link to reach your dotphoto album. To set up your logo, email your … Continue reading "Pro photographers: add your logo to dotphoto" - How to remove “red-eye” in photos 4/9/2019
Red eyes appear in photos when the camera flash or another bright light source is reflected from the retina. The reflected light illuminates the rich blood supply of the connective tissue at the back of the eye and produces the red color you see in pictures. To remove red-eye on dotphoto, go to the dotphoto … Continue reading "How to remove “red-eye” in photos" - Organize your photos with the dotphoto Sort command 4/9/2019
Organize the photos in your albums by date, upload date, alphabetical by title, or drop-and-drag to a custom arrangement. Just tap the Organize command on the left and choose Sort Album. To drag photos to a new order, choose Manual Drag and Drop Rearrange after Sort Albums. More on Sorting Your Photos - How to use dotphoto for Document Storage 2/6/2019
dotphoto handles documents, too. Here’s how to manage documents on dotphoto, too: Create a Documents album in your dotphoto account under Organize. Add a guest password, so that album is locked and will not appear to your photo-browsing guests. When you get a document that you want to keep, take a photo of it with your phone. Run … Continue reading "How to use dotphoto for Document Storage" - Share your holiday photos with a dotphoto slideshow 12/29/2018
To view and share slideshows, click on any photo. When viewing a photo, there is an icon menu in the upper right. The second icon from the left is the sharing icon. The third icon with the right arrow is the slideshow icon. Viewing a Slideshow Click or tap the slideshow icon.  The show will start from the first photo in … Continue reading "Share your holiday photos with a dotphoto slideshow" - Black Friday Specials at dotphoto 11/23/2018
BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS Free Shipping on any order over $9.98 Coupon code FRIDAY unlocks these specials and more! Code expires 12/3/18 - dotphoto has the Best Deal on Holiday Cards! 11/15/2018
Envelopes included Free economy shipping on orders of $10 or more. The more you order, the lower the price — as low as 49 cents for 4×8 cards and 99 cents for folding 5x7s. dotphoto 2018 Holiday Card Pricing dotphoto orders over $10 always include free shipping. How to make a 4×8 card in 50 seconds How to make … Continue reading "dotphoto has the Best Deal on Holiday Cards!" - dotphoto increases file size to 30 MB per file 11/15/2018
Photos are getting bigger. Some dotphoto members have called about their new mirrorless and panoramic cameras that capture photos larger than 20 MB, so we have just expanded the maximum photo size by 50% to 30 MB. And your dotphoto membership still includes unlimited storage, which is a great way to free up the photo storage on … Continue reading "dotphoto increases file size to 30 MB per file" - Make your own dotphoto slideshow 11/7/2018
Whether you’re looking for costume ideas or just enjoy awesome creativity, you’ll enjoy this dotphoto show. Awesome Halloween Costumes How to make your own dotphoto slideshow - Custom iPhone Cases 11/7/2018
Make your own iPhone Slim, Tough, Matte or Glossy iPhone cases from 6 to X. iPhone Cases How to create almost anything at dotphoto - Getting the right colors 10/4/2018
dotphoto prints using the sRGB color space that is standardized across the Internet, computers, printers, and cameras. sRGB is often the default color space for cameras. If you are adjusting colors using the Adobe RGB color space, you will see different colors. The best way to ensure color satisfaction is (1) calibrate your monitor to the sRGB standard (2) … Continue reading "Getting the right colors" - How many print credits do you have? 10/4/2018
If you have received dotphoto credits, you can find the number currently available by tapping on MyAccount from the drop-down menu in the upper right. Even free prints can ship free whenever you order $10 of paid merchandise. For instance, if you order 1000 prints with credits plus a paid 30×40 poster, the entire order ships free. … Continue reading "How many print credits do you have?" - dotphoto Disaster Re-print Program 9/21/2018
With floods on the east coast and fires on the west, we want to remind you that dotphoto will replace photo collections lost in a disaster for 80% off. We hope your photo prints, frames and books have survived intact, but our disaster re-print program will replace them quickly at a nominal cost. dotphoto Disaster Re-print … Continue reading "dotphoto Disaster Re-print Program" - How to Print a Panorama 9/21/2018
Camera phones now take breath-taking panoramic photos. Popular scenes include family reunions, mountains, beaches, harbors, sunsets, and skylines. But how to print a panorama economically or have it framed for presentation on a wall? Sizing your panorama Panoramas tend to be large photos because your camera is really taking multiple images and stitching them together. … Continue reading "How to Print a Panorama" - Use dotphoto to distribute your photos to social media 9/19/2018
There are hundreds of places to paste your photos around the web: review sites, friend sites, professional sites, news sites, and forums. Here’s the best way to work them: With dotphoto, you can upload hundreds of photos from your phone or camera, pick the best ones, edit or crop them, and then copy-and-paste them into your social … Continue reading "Use dotphoto to distribute your photos to social media" - Save Multiple Projects – Great for Cards 9/19/2018
We’ve changed the way we auto-name projects so that you can save more than one similar project. This enables you to save multiple versions or, when making cards, to save the save version with different text to different people. NOTE: the dotphoto cart does not allow duplicates, but photos that are different by even one … Continue reading "Save Multiple Projects – Great for Cards" - dotphoto has postcards! Save the date! 9/19/2018
They say that no one reads anymore, so, if you want to make an impression, send a postcard! dotphoto brings back custom-made postcards for only 99 cents. (Just 94 cents with this week’s Reader Reward code POSTCARDS.) Add any photo, invitation, or message — or use dotphoto’s Editor to add text to your photo prior to … Continue reading "dotphoto has postcards! Save the date!" - The Sinkhole Photo Essay 9/19/2018
On February 28, 2013, Jeffrey Bush was swallowed by a sinkhole while he slept at home in Seffner, Florida. He was never seen again. We often allude to the “ground shifting beneath our feet,” but the idea that one can simply disappear while sleeping is so disturbing that I wondered if anyone had ever made … Continue reading "The Sinkhole Photo Essay" - Mail a custom photo card from your desk — only $1.99! 9/17/2018
“How did you send that card?” my friends often ask. “I don’t want to throw it away because it’s got our pictures in it!” The Mail4Me card is probably my favorite dotphoto product, but even my wife forgets to use it. It’s one of the best ways to show my friends that I care about … Continue reading "Mail a custom photo card from your desk — only $1.99!" - The Secret 7.6 cent Print Sale 9/17/2018
Use dotphoto’s weekly Reader’s Reward code in the dotphoto newsletter to save another 5% on our already low 4×6 print prices. As a dotphoto member, you’ll always get free shipping on orders of $10 or more, so your shipping is free, which is one reason that dotphoto print prices are even better than “free print” services, … Continue reading "The Secret 7.6 cent Print Sale" - dotphoto Beach Towels 9/17/2018
Beach towels don’t have to be mass-produced. They can be fun and you can even add your name in the corner. Beach towels we love A full size photo of your significant other Your school mascot or logo A colorful flag A sassy saying or meme A family portrait “Reserved for [your name]” A picture of sand (funny, … Continue reading "dotphoto Beach Towels" - How to print a photo from a video 9/17/2018
More and more people are saving short videos on dotphoto like this one. But how can you print a picture from a video? While there is special software for converting videos into photos, you can also capture a screen, save it, and upload it to dotphoto as a photo that can be printed. This dotphoto FAQ includes … Continue reading "How to print a photo from a video" - Introducing the Memo Magnet 8/14/2018
Consider the lowly refrigerator magnet. Only $2.99, but occupier of the most visited wall in the house. While we wait for our refrigerators to become sentient â to order groceries automatically and to display pictures on our command â the humble refrigerator magnet carries on. You can wipe jelly off it, and, as new magnets … Continue reading "Introducing the Memo Magnet" - Citizen Journalism 7/25/2018
As we enter the age of constant cameras (and microphones), individuals have become broadcasters. Almost unseen in the recent news cycle were the riots in Haiti. The government raised gas prices to $20 a gallon to balance the budget. Riots ensued, buildings burned, three people died, and the government suspended the price hike. A friend returning … Continue reading "Citizen Journalism" - How to print giant posters and framed prints in any ratio or size up to 42" 7/25/2018
A friend asked how to cover a gash in his wall. He said he wanted a nice poster to place in a 33″ wide alcove, which is an unusual size. The dotphoto Custom Frame Shop can print posters AND customized frames up to 42 inches wide and tall, so the max size is 42″ x … Continue reading "How to print giant posters and framed prints in any ratio or size up to 42″" - The Best Time to Be Alive – Happy July 4th! – Free Facebook Cover Photos 7/4/2018
This may be the best time ever to be alive. As we prepare to celebrate July 4th, itâs worth remembering that no nation has ever progressed so far in 200 years. We have more freedom, longer lives, and more opportunity than ever in history. Despite the drumbeat of frightening news, we are safer and better … Continue reading "The Best Time to Be Alive – Happy July 4th! – Free Facebook Cover Photos" - How to make a dotphoto album completely private 6/21/2018
Let’s say you want to share a single album or slideshow with someone, and you don’t want them to see any of your other albums. Set up a guest password on your whole account, and then create a unique album password for the album you want to share. (The album password must be different from … Continue reading "How to make a dotphoto album completely private" - 12 Insanely Great Things about Dotphoto 6/21/2018
Last week, a friend invited me to dinner. He had just returned from a trip and he wanted me to help design a photo book. My friend had used dotphoto years ago, and was so enthusiastic about the new dotphoto that I thought, “Wow! I should tell our customers how dotphoto has morphed into a … Continue reading "12 Insanely Great Things about Dotphoto" - The Best Prices on Wrapped Canvases 5/12/2018
 dotphoto’s 8×10 and 11×14 wrapped canvases are only $17.99 and $24.99 including shipping. To order, choose a photo first, and then choose the canvas from the shop menu. Tap for wrapped canvases. - Upload from your iPhone or Android 4/23/2018
Two of the most frequent questions we get is “How to I upload from my iPhone?” — and “How do I select more than one photo on an iPhone?” We’ve produced a short video that shows how to upload and multi-select photos on an iPhone: Two of the most frequent questions we get is “How … Continue reading "Upload from your iPhone or Android"