dotPhoto Blog

Add comments to your dotphoto albums

Adding comments on dotphoto albums

Facebook shrinks your photos, but it does one thing extremely well: Facebook makes it easy to get feedback from your friends. You can Like and Reply to comments, and it’s fun to get feedback on photos. It feels like appreciation.

That’s why dotphoto has added Facebook’s comment capability to your dotphoto albums. You can comment only to your dotphoto guests, or you can share directly to your Facebook account and collect comments in both places. Just scroll to the bottom of any dotphoto to add a comment or post directly to Facebook.

One upload for all your photo needs
One dotphoto upload now gives you archival back-up, printing, comments, and social media. dotphoto archives your full-sized photos up to 30MB each, and you can also share those photos directly to Facebook. Just make a comment on your album and tap the checkbox to Also post on Facebook. Now your photos are shared in both dotphoto and Facebook, and you’ll get comments from Facebook friends.
Your dotphoto album on Facebook
What you’ll see on Facebook
Your first comment becomes your post, and your friends can comment as they usually do. The first photo in the album is displayed on Facebook, and friends can click on that photo to see your whole album.

To share a single photo

    1. In dotphoto, create a new album with the Organize / Create Album command.
    2. Copy the photo to the album you just created with the Organize / Copy command.
    3. Comment in the album that contains one photo.
Posted: 6/3/2019 1:29:14 AM

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