dotPhoto Blog

Use dotphoto to distribute your photos to social media

dotphoto for social mediaThere are hundreds of places to paste your photos around the web: review sites, friend sites, professional sites, news sites, and forums. Here’s the best way to work them:

With dotphoto, you can upload hundreds of photos from your phone or camera, pick the best ones, edit or crop them, and then copy-and-paste them into your social site.

Sharing photos to social media

Here’s the big benefit: dotphoto saves your full-size photos (up to 20MB each) while sites like Facebook shrink your photos to less than 100K. Social media is not designed for storage and archiving; dotphoto is. dotphoto has organizational tools like albums, sub-albums, and photo sorting, and even makes it easy to download your photos so you can keep a backup in your safe deposit box.

Upload from your phone  dotphoto runs well on both Apple and Android phones now with no need to install an app. Just run as you would on a computer. When you select photos, hold your finger down and drag it over the photos to select up to a thousand photos at a time.

More on uploading to iphones         More on uploading to Androids

Posted: 9/19/2018 4:23:10 PM

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