How can I change my signin (login)?

  • Logins should have no spaces because, for example, "Billy Budd" will not work the MyWebsite feature or  Change your login to simply "BillyBudd" without the space.
  • If you are a Club member, we might be able to reassign to you a login that is not available, but which you may prefer. (If a desirable login has been abandoned, we will re-assign it to you.)  Send us note at with your current login and the login your prefer.
  • NOTE: If you change your sign-in, your old share links will be broken because they are coded to your original sign-in. This can be a GOOD thing if you WANT to disconnect your old links, but we want you to be aware of this. If you use share links from your web site to your dotphoto page, you will need to replace the old links with new links.
How do I change my signin (login)?
  1. Sign into dotPhoto
  2. Click on the down arrow by your login name, and choose MyAccount from the list.

  3. Click on Account Settings and Account Information on the left.

  4. Enter your login (or user name).


  5. Click on the green Save button at the bottom.

You have now created a new login to use the next time you sign in. Your old login will no longer work.

dotPhoto FAQs: how to do almost anything at dotPhoto